Ivan Ross
Advanced IndustriesLocation
DenverAn enthusiastic designer and Advanced Industries studio team member, Ivan provides architectural support for laboratories and other high-tech spaces. He has designed environments for tech industry giants that require extensive safety and security building system integration. He is familiar with multi-phased projects and strategic planning to minimize operational impact during construction.
Ivan leverages his previous experience with our Higher Education studio and STEM-focused buildings to enhance our bioscience, manufacturing, and aerospace projects. With a strong foundation in 21st-century instruction strategies, Ivan designs spaces that blend research, instructional labs, and collaboration spaces. Regardless of the market type, he creates client-centric solutions through his clear communication and agile work style.
Even Ivan’s hobbies are tech-focused. His hobbies include video gaming, animation, and further exploring virtual and augmented reality systems. Ivan is an international traveler, having lived in five countries before coming to the United States to attend college.

Get to know Ivan
What do you like to do outside of work?
I like playing video games on my computer with my friends. We stream online to record fun clips, and just have a blast. Most of our games are cooperative, and it’s just an enjoyable time. I also like to snowboard, and travel internationally.
What is an interesting fact not many people know about you?
Everyone in the U.S. pronounces my name as ‘eye-vuhn’, including my American side of the family. Everyone outside the U.S. pronounces my name as ‘ee-vahn’, including my Korean side of the family. I respond to both, but technically my name is the latter according to my parents. Everyone is right.
What is your advice to young professionals in your field?
Don’t be afraid to ask the intent of why something came about. I’ve found it unwise to answer a question that was not clearly asked. Accepting things without question is a quick way to find yourself at the caboose of a derailing train.