Brian Brazil
Graphic Designer
LawrenceArchitecture is a visual business. From napkin sketches to renderings and then to the completed building, Treanor’s team members understand how to bring concepts to reality, and the important role graphic design plays. Brian is Treanor’s graphic designer who creates outstanding graphics for an ever-widening array of design and marketing products, from proposals, interviews, and social media to special project applications.
Brian’s most memorable project was working on garage signage for the Kansas Statehouse, which was not as simple as it seems. The design team discovered archways under the entryway steps and surmised the original workers used horses to bring in the stonework. Brian was thrilled to support the team that renovated this fascinating historical structure.
Brian’s graphic talents are also well-known in the Lawrence community as he designs t-shirts for an annual bike ride fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Association, along with other projects for friends and locals. He blends his passion for cycling with this charity as he rides throughout Lawrence to support the event. His unique and creative apparel designs always include clever cycling aspects to appeal to riders and the community.
He says his mother nurtured his gift for visual arts, and he often uses music for inspiration and added flavor. He finds a good bicycle ride (more like bikepacking) can stimulate and inspire creativity in the right-brained artists. Brian also finds that traveling, camping, and outdoors spark fresh ideas. He has traveled to Cuba and biked in New Zealand.
Get to know Brian
What do you like to do outside of work?
I like to ride my bicycle.
What is your favorite quote?
“You must be the change you wish to see in world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
What is your advice to young professionals in your field?
Slow down.