Carey & Co. joins Treanor

Historic photo of Murphy Windmill

Continuing decades of historic preservation excellence on the West Coast

Carey & Co., an architectural and preservation firm headquartered in San Francisco, joined Treanor, a national architectural firm with a highly successful preservation practice, in early 2016.

“Looking toward the future, we decided it was time to join forces with a like-minded firm,” commented Nancy Goldenberg, Carey & Co principal and now principal at Treanor. “We intentionally searched for a firm that cared as much about historic architecture as we do. Treanor quickly rose to the top as the most compatible firm with a studio solely focused on historic preservation.”

Headshot of Alice Carey
Alice Carey
Headshot of Nancy Goldenberg
Nancy Goldenberg

Founded in 1983 by Alice Ross Carey, Carey & Co. grew to prominence as the architectural and preservation firm of choice. With a practice rooted in the belief that the preservation of history and place is a key contributor to enriching, educating, and revitalizing our communities, the firm developed an extensive portfolio of notable projects in the western United States.

Carey & Co.’s award-winning historic preservation and architectural services align with the values and expertise of Treanor’s Historic Preservation studio. Both firms believe that older and historic buildings are an essential part of contemporary communities.

War Memorial Opera House exterior at twilight
Murphy Windmill after completion
san francisco city hall exterior after completion
Palace of Fine Arts after completion at night
california state capitol south portico repairs after completion
Forest Hill Clubhouse exterior after completion
contra costa finance building after completion
Bing Kong Tong after completion

“As one firm we work to connect the past to the present by restoring and rehabilitating historic buildings for contemporary uses,” said K. Vance Kelley, Treanor Historic Preservation principal. “Carey & Co. will continue to provide the high-quality services its clients have grown to expect. The only notable change to the company is the name.”

As Treanor, the firm’s architects, architectural historians, conservators, and planners assist clients with the rehabilitation and reuse of their existing structures. In addition, their extensive experience in preparing cultural and architectural resource studies, historic structure reports, architectural surveys, and incentive programs, helps clients to strategically plan for the future.

“Bringing Carey & Co. into the Treanor family was an easy choice,” said Dan Rowe, Treanor president. “Our similar values—dedication to restoring historic properties and commitment to our staff—made for a natural fit between our two firms. With their deep roots in California, we are excited about continued opportunities to grow in the area.”

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