Angela Bulkowski
PhoenixAngela grew up in Boulder, Colorado and has been involved in design and construction from a young age through her family. She received her undergraduate and graduate degrees in Architectural Design from Arizona State University and was heavily involved in architecture and construction clubs, classes, and internships throughout that time.
As part of the Treanor team, she is interested in architecture appropriate to place and population, where building form and function aren’t mutually exclusive. Angela’s favorite part of her job is finding solutions to complex problems, and her goal is always to provide clients and end users with a place of enjoyment, dignity, and pride within their communities for decades to come.

Get to know Angela
What is your favorite quote?
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman
What is your favorite part of your job?
The process of finding solutions to difficult problems.
What is your advice to young professionals in your field?
My biggest piece of advice is to spend your internships working in construction. Work on as many projects from concept to occupancy as you can. While architecture school was a great place to explore various design concepts, having an internship in construction gave me a more tangible level of understanding in structures, systems, and processes that was extremely beneficial to my work post-grad.