Karla Berdeja

Assoc. AIA, LEED Green Associate, CSI



Higher Education




P 469.329.1723

Karla was born in the “western spectacle border town” of El Paso, Texas. For Karla, the juxtaposition between these two countries allows for limitless journeys, discovery, and the study of culture for human adaptation. As a child, Karla considered being an archeologist, genetic engineer, and a tornado engineer. Her passion for architecture, the environment, and conservation started when she visited an ancient site in Petra, Jordan. The technology and advanced building methods are fascinating, and she wanted to know more about how to make history. While archeology was her first instinct, her first drafting class was the impetus to pursue architecture.

As a designer in the Higher Education studio, she focuses on design methods of resiliency, sustainability, and conservation of resources. Some of her notable projects include the Research and Discovery Centre for the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (LEED Platinum),  the UNT College of Science Space Analysis, the Interdisciplinary Research and Education Building  at UNT Health Science Center (LEED Gold),  and the Experimental Sciences Building II at Texas Tech University, among many others.

A 2012 National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) award-winner. and part-founder of the first-ever Texas Society of Architects, El Paso chapter, along with heavy involvement in LEED building documentation and certification with USGBC, Karla reaches further on every project for our clients and our industry.

Get to know Karla

What is an interesting fact not many people know about you?

I built my own computer. I speak three languages and can read four. I am an unofficial linguist.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I play tennis, I am a runner, I garden, study languages, and am a book worm.

What is the best part of your job?

I get to do what I love, every day.

Notable projects

Treanor specialty higher education

Research and Discovery Centre

Toronto, ON

The University of North Texas Health Science Center’s new Interdisciplinary Research & Education Building (IREB)

Interdisciplinary Research and Education Building

Fort Worth, TX

Experimental Sciences Building II

Lubbock, TX

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