Kelly Denker
Architect, Senior Associate
PK-12 EducationLocation
DenverSmall moments make a big difference. Kelly is always thinking about how space impacts a person’s daily experience, which suits her well in the PK-12 Education studio. She loves transforming classrooms into stimulating spaces for students to create, innovate, and explore.
Kelly focuses her professional enthusiasm on helping clients arrive at dynamic solutions to their biggest design problems. She also brings her unwavering commitment to client satisfaction to every project she works on. Her positive attitude is contagious, and her renowned attention to even the smallest details translates into successful educational projects that become a source of pride for students, staff, and communities.
While Kelly jokes about having a black turtleneck to prove she’s an architect, she admits she is more comfortable in bright colors and prints. She loves considering architecture as a team sport and is especially fond of her Education studio colleagues.
She enjoyed camping in the Rocky Mountains with her family when she was young and knew she would return someday. She moved to Denver after graduate school and has enjoyed the Colorado lifestyle and tempo ever since. If you travel with Kelly, you can rest assured she’ll bring her pillow and plenty of snacks.

Get to know Kelly
What is the best part of your job?
I get to design schools for children. I loved school and I know what a impact a good experience can have on a kid’s life. I enjoy collaborating with our clients to shape learning environments into something exciting and fulfilling.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I love putzing around my house listening to podcasts or audiobooks. I am mildly outdoorsy and enjoy car camping and hikes less than five hours. I also enjoy tackling home projects with my husband.
What is on your bucket list?
I want to visit Manchu Pichu. Ideally, I could hike the Inca trail and reach it on foot. I have also always wanted to volunteer at the Olympics, and design and build a treehouse.