Treanor talks podcast

Treanor Talks

Reach further with our latest tips, trends, and topics related to architecture, planning, and design.

National STEM Day: what it means and why it matters

March 4, 2024

In honor of National STEM Day, we caught up with a few of our Higher Education staff and asked them to share their experience working in a STEM field.

Controlling construction cost in an uncontrollable world

On this podcast episode, we talk about construction cost drivers, case studies, and tools you can use to keep your facility on budget without sacrificing design integrity or programming.

The long-term impact of a pandemic on higher education learning

In 2020, higher education institutions made dramatic shifts in teaching methods—almost overnight. While the shift has lingering effects on many colleges and universities, what does it mean for students?

Smart renovation strategies for residence halls

February 28, 2024

New student life buildings are fresh, exciting, and usually expensive. With the right plan, it’s possible and economical to get the 21st-century building you want with what you currently have.

Why we love historic preservation

February 27, 2024

Our preservation architects dive into their career progression and share their thoughts about the importance of their profession and what it means to preserve history—good and bad.

Inclusivity in historic preservation: telling the full story

Historic preservation specialists Vance Kelley and Nancy Goldenberg join this episode to share stories about some of the special places they’ve worked on that define our history.

Responding to disaster: how architects can help communities rebuild

As architects, we can play a critical role rebuilding after disasters. Learn how we’ve restored damaged structures, and how we’re helping the community expand its response when disaster strikes.

How buildings can affect mental health

May 30, 2023

From the hospital we’re born in, to the schools we attend, to the home we live in, the spaces we inhabit most hours of the day affect our mental health.

How counties are improving healthcare accessibility in rural communities

February 1, 2023

In rural communities, barriers such as access and connectivity can affect patients. We had the opportunity to help two clients with new rural healthcare facilities that overcome these barriers.

Supporting student success through space design

November 1, 2021

The spaces higher education students use can be critical to their education and growth. As design professionals, we wanted to talk about these spaces and how design informs their intent.

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