Springfield PK-12 Earns Outstanding Project Award

A cohesive, inspirational and modern facility for Springfield students
Treanor received two Outstanding Project awards from Learning By Design Magazine, one of which is for the Springfield PK-12 School Campus Consolidation project. Evaluation for the magazine’s Fall 2022 Architectural and Interior Design Awards was based heavily on resilient design, student agency, flexible and functional classrooms, and the blending of indoor and outdoor spaces.
The District sought out our partnership to facilitate the design of a new facility that would implement their master plan goal of providing a cohesive, inspirational, and modern facility for its students—and of a quality to last for the next 50 years.
The result is new program spaces, a vocational agriculture hop reflective of the local economy, a makerspace for elementary school hands-on exploration, daylight-filled and visually connected core learning spaces, and technology-rich media and information commons.
In addition to Springfield PK-12, Learning By Design also awarded the La Veta PK-12 school an Outstanding Project award.
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