Joy Coleman
Principal, Specialty Leader
Historic PreservationLocation
LawrenceJoy is committed to preserving and reusing older iconic buildings. Understanding that historic buildings represent the heart and soul of their communities, she believes that renewing them can inspire positive development and community connectivity. She is most proud of her part in renewing several historically significant iconic buildings—state capitol buildings, county courthouses, city halls, and public landmarks—which contribute to the vitality of their communities.
Leading the firm’s Historic Preservation studio, Joy has evaluated, documented, rehabilitated, and restored historic buildings nationwide. She has worked on projects for public and private entities ranging from the phased design and restoration of a state capitol to the adaptive reuse of a military warehouse. Over her nearly 30-year career, Joy has provided architectural planning and design services for monumental structures such as the Missouri State Capitol, Kansas Statehouse, and the Jesse Unruh Building, as well as smaller, iconic facilities such as the Eisenhower Ridge Building 19 and the University of Missouri’s Jesse and Gwynn Halls. She helps owners rehabilitate their historic properties sustainably and affordably.
Joy worked for a large public construction management department early in her career. This experience gave her a more informed understanding of building and construction issues from the owner’s perspective.
Beyond her project work, Joy has volunteered for several historic preservation, architectural, and real estate organizations such as the Kansas Preservation Alliance, Missouri Preservation, Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW) Network, and CREW Kansas City. She has also presented on historic preservation planning and design at conferences hosted by the National Association of State Facilities, Main Street America, Missouri Preservation, Kansas Preservation Alliance, and Colorado Preservation.

Get to know Joy
What is the best part of your job?
Exploring old buildings, especially abandoned historic buildings and discovering their treasures. Can’t you just imagine how great this could be if someone loved it?
Who is your biggest hero?
Farm boy Westley from The Princess Bride, because he is a selfless hero and a servant leader.
What is your favorite quote?
“Surely you can’t be serious?”
“I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley.”