Sarah Long


Architect, Senior Associate






P 303.298.4534

Sarah is a project architect in our Health studio and loves influencing a better and more efficient patient, family, and provider experience through healthcare environments. She has experience on technical healthcare projects, with knowledge in planning, schematic design, design development, construction documents, and construction administration phases.

Clients recognize her eye for detail, intrinsic skill to balance function and beauty, and her kind nature and infectious personality. Sarah is a well-respected project leader connected with the entire team: owners, design team, and contractors.

Sarah’s notable project experience includes the Women’s Unit at The Medical Center of Aurora’s behavioral health campus, where she helped create more usable space for the facility. An interesting aspect of the project for Sarah was sorting through the storage where she found interesting pieces of the facility’s history.

Get to know Sarah

What is on your bucket list?

Discovering remote hot springs, and completing a full RAGBRAI (the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa), the largest bike-touring event in the world.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I enjoy hiking, camping, and paddleboarding, taking my dog along whenever possible.

What is your advice to young professionals in your field?

Care and try, and the rest will follow.

Notable projects

PeaceHealth Clinic

Vancouver, WA