Site Planning
We design site elements that provide the foundation for architecture, creating a setting where land and facilities work better together. We strive to balance the built and native environment to integrate the site into the project design, extending the building’s purpose to its natural surroundings.

Balancing nature and architecture
In a world of climate fluctuations and evolving environmental regulations, well-planned sites must be resilient and adaptable. Our civil engineers, landscape architects, and site planners help property owners plan and design environmentally conscious site solutions. The resulting design maximizes sustainability and minimizes maintenance.
We create sites that work in concert with the facilities they support. Working with what exists, we identify opportunities and expand options for property owners to develop their topography.
Civil engineering and landscape architecture services

Civil engineering services
- Site master planning and design
- ADA/accessibility review and design
- Parking lot layout
- Grading design
- Sanitary sewer design
- Storm water management/detention design
- Public improvement plans (streets, storm, water, sanitary sewer)
- Water services design
- SWPPP/Best Management Practices (BMPs)
- Permitting and entitlement review
Landscape architecture services
- Site analysis
- Master planning
- Site assessment
- Concept site planning
- Concept grading scheme
- Planting plans
- Water quality design/BMPs
Project types
- Courthouses
- Detention facilities
- Mixed-use
- Commercial/retail
- Justice centers
- Juvenile facilities
- On-campus housing
- Greek housing
- Aviation facilities
- Office
- Medical office
- Surgical centers
- Skilled nursing facilities
- Hospitals
- State parks
- Manufacturing facilities
- Campus master plans
Explore options with our tailored process
We are site planners, engineers, and landscape architects who listen and take the time to understand your project and site thoroughly. We immerse ourselves in your project, leveraging your knowledge and our experience to develop sensible civil engineering and landscape architectural solutions.
No matter the size of your site, we strive to create the inviting campus-like setting that is critical for a welcoming sense of community. Our civil engineers, landscape architects, and site planners work to integrate project sites into their surrounding neighborhoods while creating a setting that is easy to navigate with natural wayfinding and gathering spaces.