David Fleck Headshot

David Fleck


Architect, Senior Associate




P 303.298.4726

David is an established design professional in the Advanced Industries studio with a solid commitment to detail and an even stronger resolve for sustainable design solutions. He has more than two decades of experience and is skilled in developing comprehensive design documents and specifications.

David’s core focus centers on delivering client-centric solutions. His approach to project management involves detailed project schedules, incorporation of production accountability goals, fostering collaboration, and aligning client priorities with design solutions. David has a careful eye for construction administration, safeguarding the quality of design intent.

David is a sustainability advocate and contributes toward the advancement of Treanor’s sustainability objectives, such as developing resources to help achieve AIA 2030 goals. Beyond his professional responsibilities, David is passionate about civic engagement and has served the last 15 years on multiple City of Edgewater boards.

Outside of the office, David can be found in the mountains and remote places of Colorado and Wyoming. His interests include outdoor activities from fossil and mineral hunting to hiking and camping. As an accomplished skier and cyclist, he holds a past certification from the Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA) and boasts a remarkable record of participating in over 200 bike races across three disciplines.

Get to know David

What is the best part of your job?

I love to show our clients design solutions that exceed what they thought possible for their project. Our work is truly responsible for making real the dreams of others. It is a tremendous honor to be entrusted with this opportunity.

What is your favorite quote?

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

Notable projects

Confidential Research & Development Facility Addition


Centennial Interport Lot 10 Hangar & Office

Englewood, CO

Treanor specialty higher education

Research and Discovery Centre

Toronto, ON

BAE Systems Space & Mission Systems

Multiple U.S. locations

Nooks Secure Office Renovation


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